
MPRI PRFA (2-7-2) — Live coding session 8

For this final lecture, we're going to have a look at dependently typed programming in Coq. On the way we'll also explore the Equations package and all the nice features it provides to make your lives easier.

From Coq Require Import Arith List Lia.
Import ListNotations.

Set Default Goal Selector "!".

If you remember merge sort, it involves a merge function that takes in two sorted lists, and produces a new one.
Unfortunately, if we write it as follows, Coq will not accept the definition as terminating.

Fail Fixpoint merge (l1 l2 : list nat) :=
  match l1, l2 with
  | x :: l1, y :: l2
    if x <=? y then
      x :: merge l1 (y :: l2)
      y :: merge (x :: l1) l2
  | l1, []l1
  | [], l2l2

We are going to load Equations to help deal with it nicely.

From Equations Require Import Equations.

Equations? merge (l1 l2 : list nat) : list nat by wf (length l1 + length l2) lt :=
  merge l1 [] := l1 ;
  merge [] l2l2 ;
  merge (x :: l1) (y :: l2) with le_dec x y := {
  | left _x :: merge l1 (y :: l2)
  | right _y :: merge (x :: l1) l2

Ok so many things happen at once here. For once, you can see that the syntax differs from the usual definitions. Instead we use the keyword Equations? which tells Coq to use the Equations package to produce the definition. Then we have the keyword by which is telling Equations why the function is terminating, here by saying that the quantity length l1 + length l2 decreases according to order lt on nat.
Then the branches are given in Haskell/Agda-like syntax by giving patterns for the whole `merge l1 l2` expression. The keyword `with` let us perform a case analysis on an expression.
Finally, Equations will try to indeed verify that the recursive calls have smaller weight, in one case it doesn't figure it out on its own so we help it with lia.


It is possible to extract the merge function to OCaml using the following command.
This is very useful and this feature was actually one of the main motivations behind Coq. CompCert for instance is a compiler exracted from Coq code.

Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic.
Extraction merge.

Reasoning principles

Equations actually proves more stuff for us when defining new functions. For instance it gives us useful functional induction principles.

Lemma merge_In x l1 l2 :
  In x (merge l1 l2) In x l1 In x l2.
  eapply merge_elim.
  all: firstorder congruence.

Let us look at a simpler example to see what it does.
NOTE: There is no question mark here because there is nothing to prove like termination above.

Equations neg (b : bool) : bool :=
  neg true := false ;
  neg false := true.

See all the things it generated about neg.
Search neg.

For instance, it generates a functional elimination principle. For neg it says that to prove P b (neg b) you only need to consider the two cases in the definitions, meaning you only need to prove P true false and P false true.
About neg_elim.

Say we want to prove that neg is involutive, we have several options. The first one is to use destruct as before.
Lemma neg_inv :
    neg (neg b) = b.
  intros [].
  - simp neg. reflexivity. (* Watch out: it's not simpl but simp! *)
  - simp neg. reflexivity.

Note that Equations definitions are opaque by default, meaning cbn, simpl and friends do not unfold it by default. We can change that locally.
Lemma neg_inv :
    neg (neg b) = b.
  Transparent neg. (* To tell Coq it's ok to unfold it. *)
  (* Without it cbn below does nothing. *)
  intros []. all: cbn. all: reflexivity.

Or globally by using
Set Equations Transparent
which will affect all *future* definitions.
We can also use neg_elim!
Lemma neg_inv :
    neg (neg b) = b.
  intro b. pattern b, (neg b).
  apply neg_elim.
  - simp neg. reflexivity.
  - reflexivity. (* Actually reflexivity works *)

Even easier, we use the funelim tactic which applies neg_elim on its own, a bit like induction applies an induction principle.
Lemma neg_inv :
    neg (neg b) = b.
  intros b.
  funelim (neg b).
  all: reflexivity.

Equations syntax is quite permissive and allows us to use notations.

Reserved Notation "x +++ y" (at level 60, right associativity).

Equations app {A} (l l' : list A) : list A := {
  [] +++ l' := l' ;
  (a :: l) +++ l' := a :: (l +++ l')
where "x +++ y" := (app x y).

Functional elimination and recursion

The app definition above is recursive, and Equations can deal with that too. We'll do it by hand first: with functional elimination the predicate is always going to conclude about the output of the function, but also its inputs. This is important because often we want to relate the output with the inputs.

Lemma app_ind :
   A (P : list A list A list A Prop),
    ( l', P [] l' l')
    ( a l l', P l l' (l +++ l') P (a :: l) l' (a :: (l +++ l')))
     l l', P l l' (l +++ l').
  intros A P hnil hcons l l'.
  induction l as [| a l ih] in l' |- ×.
  - apply hnil.
  - eapply hcons. eapply ih.

The one Equations generated is very similar.
About app_elim.

Once again we apply it using funelim.
Lemma app_assoc {A} (x y z : list A) :
  x +++ y +++ z = (x +++ y) +++ z.
  funelim (x +++ y). 1: auto.
  simp app. rewrite H. (* H is the induction hypothesis *)

Lemma app_nil_r {A} (l : list A) :
 l +++ [] = l.
  funelim (l +++ []).
  - reflexivity.
  - simp app. rewrite H. reflexivity.

Matching expressions

We have already seen it but it is possible to match on expressions that are not direct arguments of the function we define using Equations. This is done with the `with` keyword. Subsequently, Equations takes this branching into account e.g. for funelim.

Equations filter {A} (l : list A) (p : A bool) : list A :=
  filter [] p := [] ;
  filter (a :: l) p with p a ⇒ {
  | truea :: filter l p ;
  | falsefilter l p

Lemma filter_true {A} (l : list A) :
  filter l (fun xtrue) = l.
  funelim (filter l (fun _true)).
  - (* l = [] *) reflexivity.
  - (* l = (a :: l) and (fun x true) a = true *)
    simp filter. rewrite H. reflexivity.
  - (* l = (a :: l) and (fun x true) a = false *)

Dependent types

Equations is able to handle dependent types as well of course. Let us look at the following function deciding equality of natural numbers. Given n and m it returns either a proof that n = m or a proof that n m.
At the same time we're going to see that if one does not add the question mark to Equations (Equations?), then any missing proof is going to be asked as a so-called "proof obligation".
Before obligations are given to the user to prove, Coq will try to use some automation to discharge them automatically.
WARNING: VSCoq Legacy doesn't tell you about obligations so be careful to check that you don't have unresolved obligations. The easiest way is to use Equations? alaways.

Equations equal (n m : nat) : { n = m } + { n m } :=
  equal O O := left eq_refl ;
  equal (S n) (S m) with equal n m := {
    equal (S n) (S ?(n)) (left eq_refl) := left eq_refl ;
    equal (S n) (S m) (right p) := right _
  } ;
  equal x y := right _.

Extraction equal.

We can tell Coq what it should do with obligations, here: nothing!
#[local] Obligation Tactic := idtac.

Equations split_two {A : Type} (l : list A) : list (A × A) by wf (length l) lt :=
  split_two [] := [] ;
  split_two [a] := [] ;
  split_two (a :: b :: l) := (a, b) :: split_two l.
Next Obligation. (* This is how we focus on obligations. *)
  cbn. lia.

Inacessible branches

A popular dependent type is the following type of vectors, or length-indexed lists. vec A n is the type of lists containing exactly n elements of type A. It is defined below.

Inductive vec (A : Type) : nat Type :=
| vnil : vec A 0
| vcons (a : A) (n : nat) (v : vec A n) : vec A (S n).

Arguments vnil {A}.
Arguments vcons {A} a {n}.

We can thus write type-safe head and tail functions by stating that the list is of length S n for some n, in other words that it is not empty. Coq actually figures out that the vnil case is impossible on its own.

Definition head {A n} (v : vec A (S n)) : A :=
  match v with
  | vcons a va

Definition tail {A n} (v : vec A (S n)) : vec A n :=
  match v with
  | vcons a vv

Well if you print the terms you will see the trick.
Print head.

Let's do it by hand because it's a good exercise

Definition head' {A n} (v : vec A (S n)) : A :=
  match v in vec _ m return
    match m with
    | 0 ⇒ unit
    | S kA
  | vniltt
  | vcons a va

Definition tail' {A n} (v : vec A (S n)) : vec A n :=
  match v in vec _ m return
    match m with
    | 0 ⇒ unit
    | S kvec A k
  | vniltt
  | vcons a vv

Coq is not always smart enough to see that some patterns are impossible. Consider the following zip function that it doesn't let you define.

Fail Fixpoint zip {A B n} (v : vec A n) (v' : vec B n) : vec (A × B) n :=
  match v, v' with
  | vnil, vnilvnil
  | vcons a v, vcons b v'vcons (a, b) (zip v v')

Thankfully, Equations knows how to do it!

Equations zip {A B n} (v : vec A n) (v' : vec B n) : vec (A × B) n :=
  zip vnil vnil := vnil ;
  zip (vcons a v) (vcons b v') := vcons (a, b) (zip v v').

Print zip. (* Quite complicated, it's nice we didn't have to write it ourselves. *)

Another useful dependent type is that of bounded natural numbers. fin n represents the natural numbers below n (excluding n). Its name comes from the fact that fin n is the archetypical type with exactly n elements.

Inductive fin : nat Type :=
| fin0 n : fin (S n)
| finS n (x : fin n) : fin (S n).

Arguments fin0 {n}.
Arguments finS {n}.

This allows us to take an index in a vector that is guaranteed to be within bounds by typing.

Equations vnth {A n} (v : vec A n) (x : fin n) : A :=
  vnth (vcons a v) fin0 := a ;
  vnth (vcons a v) (finS x) := vnth v x.

We now have tools to reason about such dependent types.

Lemma vec_expand :
   A n (v : vec A (S n)),
    v = vcons (head v) (tail v).
  intros A n v.
  (* This tactic is like induction by it takes into account the index! *)
  dependent elimination v.

With the following we can help Equations do more things
NoConfusion and NoConfusionHom will teach Equations to discriminate values of the type automatically and thus derive that more branches are inaccessible.
Derive Signature NoConfusion NoConfusionHom for fin.
Derive NoConfusion for vec.

Lemma zip_vnth :
   A B n (v : vec A n) (v' : vec B n) (x : fin n),
    vnth (zip v v') x = (vnth v x, vnth v' x).
  intros A B n v v' x.
  funelim (vnth v x). (* Notice how both v and x are destructed at once. *)
  - funelim (vnth v' _).
    simp zip vnth. reflexivity.
  - funelim (vnth v' _).
    simp zip vnth. (* Sometimes simp will also solve the goal. *)

Intrinsically typed syntax

One more thing we can do with dependent types is define simply typed λ-calculus (STLC) where the terms are well typed by construction.
We first define the types.

Inductive type := tunit | tarrow (a b : type).

Notation "A ~> B" := (tarrow A B) (at level 20, right associativity).

Open terms can have variables in them so we store their types in an environment. We store them in vectors so it's easy to keep track of variables. We could have used lists as well.
Definition env := vec type.

We now define terms, indexed over the environment of variables they are allowed to mention. n is letting us keep track of the length of said environment so that we make sure variables are bound by placing them in fin n.
term E T reprensents terms of type T with variables in E. Notice how tlam represents λ and thus binds a variable in the environment of its body.
Inductive term {n} (E : env n) : type Type :=
| tvar (x : fin n) : term E (vnth E x)
| tstar : term E tunit
| tlam (A : type) B (b : term (vcons A E) B) : term E (A ~> B)
| tapp A B (f : term E (A ~> B)) (u : term E A) : term E B.

Arguments tvar {n E}.
Arguments tstar {n E}.
Arguments tlam {n E} A {B}.
Arguments tapp {n E A B}.

Example test A B : term vnil _ :=
  tlam (A ~> B) (
    tlam A (
      tapp (tvar (E := vcons _ (vcons _ _)) (finS fin0)) (tvar fin0)

Sadly the annotation for E is necessary…

Check test. (* The type has been computed for us! *)

We cannot write examples that do not type in STLC like self-application.
Fail Example test' : term vnil _ :=
  tapp tstar tstar.

We map STLC types to Coq types
Fixpoint interp_type (t : type) : Type :=
  match t with
  | tunitunit
  | A ~> Binterp_type A interp_type B

We also define the concept of valuation of an environment
Definition valuation {n} (E : env n) :=
   x, interp_type (vnth E x).

The empty valuation
Definition rho0 : valuation vnil :=
  fun xmatch x with end.

We'll tell Equations to produce transparent constants, meaning simpl and co will be able to unfold them.
Set Equations Transparent.

Extension of a valuation with a new value.
Equations extend {n E A} (ρ : valuation (n := n) E) (a : interp_type A) : valuation (vcons A E) :=
  extend ρ a fin0 := a ;
  extend ρ a (finS x) := ρ x.

We are now ready to interpret terms!
Equations interp {n E A} (t : term (n := n) E A) (rho : valuation E) : interp_type A :=
  interp (tvar x) rho := rho x ;
  interp tstar rho := tt ;
  interp (tlam A (B := B) b) rho := fun xinterp b (extend rho x) ;
  interp (tapp u v) rho := (interp u rho) (interp v rho).

We can test on a few examples and see them get normalised.

Eval compute in interp (test tunit tunit) rho0.

Eval compute in interp (tapp (test _ _) (test tunit tunit)) rho0.