
Reviewing session 3

Proving with proof terms

If you find it hard, it's perfectly normal! It takes some time to get used to it, but it is worth it. Now when programming you can use proof-theoretic intuition, and when proving you can use programmer's intuition, this is a very powerful tool!
Let us look again at Russel for the exercises. We'll do it step by step.

Definition Russel X : ¬ (X ¬ X).
  (* We want to prove a negation, that's just a function to False *)
  refine (fun h_).
  (* Now we have X ¬ X which is a conjunction, so we match on it. *)
  refine (match h with conj f g_ end).
  (* What can we do now? To prove False, there is not much else we can do
    besides applying f since f _ is of type ¬ X which is X False.
    In other words f _ _ is of type False.
    What does f expect as two arguments?
    In both cases X, so we might as well just prove it once with a let.

  refine (let x := _ in f x x).
  (* Again, we don't really have a choice but to apply g. *)
  refine (g _).
  (* We know the drill. *)
  refine (fun x_).
  (* It might seem like we're back where we started, but not really… *)
  (* We have x : X now! *)
  refine (f x x).

If we combine all of that, we get
Definition Russel X : ¬ (X ¬ X) :=
  fun h
    let 'conj f g := h in
    let x : X := g (fun xf x x) in
    f x x.

The X in the definition above is on the left of the colon : so it needs not be introduced (with fun X _) in the body of the definition.

Implicit arguments

When writing proof terms, implicit arguments become all the more important. Let's look at one of the very first exercises.

Inductive lt (n : nat) : nat Prop :=
| lt_B : lt n (S n)
| lt_S m : lt n m lt n (S m).

Definition lt_plus_4 n m : lt n m lt n (4 + m) :=
  fun hlt_S _ _ (lt_S _ _ (lt_S _ _ (lt_S _ _ h))).

Now we make lt_S easier to use by making n, m implicit
Arguments lt_S {n m}.

Definition lt_plus_4' n m : lt n m lt n (4 + m) :=
  fun hlt_S (lt_S (lt_S (lt_S h))).

Impredicative encodings

Before there were inductive types, logical connectives were defined using so-called impredicative encodings.
Note: Even datatypes were defined this way, in the advanced exercises, this was the case of the Church encoding of natural numbers.
Impredicative encodings essentially define a type as their eliminator. In other words, think about how you use it.
For False, elimination states that you can prove any other proposition from it, hence the following definition:

Definition iFalse :=
   (P : Prop), P.

Notice the similarity with False_ind

Check False_ind.

For conjunction, it's the same idea.

Check and_ind.

Definition iAnd (A B : Prop) :=
   (P : Prop), (A B P) P.

Now apply plays the role of destruct for such a proof.

Lemma iAnd_and :
   A B,
    iAnd A B
    A B.
  intros A B h.
  apply h. intros hA hB. (* With A B it would be destruct h as [hA hB] *)
  split. all: assumption.

Now for x, P x

Check ex_ind.

Definition iEx A (P : A Prop) :=
   (Q : Prop),
    ( x, P x Q)

Lemma iEx_ex :
   A P,
    iEx A P
     x, P x.
  intros A P h.
  apply h. intros x hx.
   x. assumption.


We'll do again some paper proving.

Inductive even : nat Prop :=
| evenO : even 0
| evenS n : even n even (S (S n)).

Write down the induction principle for even.
Inductive or (A B : Prop) : Prop := | or_introl : A A B | or_intror : B A B.
Where "A B" := (or A B).
What is a proof term of the following type?

Definition or_imp : (P Q R : Prop), (P R) (Q R) P Q R.

What is the goal after the following script?

Lemma true_false :
  true false.
  intro e.
  change (if true then False else True).
  rewrite e.
  (* Here *)

Inductive le (n : nat) : nat Prop := | le_n : n n | le_S : m, n m n S m.
What is the goal after the following script?

Lemma le_n_S :
   n m,
    n m
    S n S m.
  intros n m h.
  induction h.
  - constructor.
  - (* Here *)