Reviewing session 3
Proving with proof terms
Definition Russel X : ¬ (X ↔ ¬ X).
(* We want to prove a negation, that's just a function to False *)
refine (fun h ⇒ _).
(* Now we have X ↔ ¬ X which is a conjunction, so we match on it. *)
refine (match h with conj f g ⇒ _ end).
(* What can we do now? To prove False, there is not much else we can do
besides applying f since f _ is of type ¬ X which is X → False.
In other words f _ _ is of type False.
What does f expect as two arguments?
In both cases X, so we might as well just prove it once with a let.
refine (let x := _ in f x x).
(* Again, we don't really have a choice but to apply g. *)
refine (g _).
(* We know the drill. *)
refine (fun x ⇒ _).
(* It might seem like we're back where we started, but not really… *)
(* We have x : X now! *)
refine (f x x).
If we combine all of that, we get
Definition Russel X : ¬ (X ↔ ¬ X) :=
fun h ⇒
let 'conj f g := h in
let x : X := g (fun x ⇒ f x x) in
f x x.
fun h ⇒
let 'conj f g := h in
let x : X := g (fun x ⇒ f x x) in
f x x.
The X in the definition above is on the left of the colon : so it needs
not be introduced (with fun X ⇒ _) in the body of the definition.
When writing proof terms, implicit arguments become all the more important.
Let's look at one of the very first exercises.
Implicit arguments
Inductive lt (n : nat) : nat → Prop :=
| lt_B : lt n (S n)
| lt_S m : lt n m → lt n (S m).
Definition lt_plus_4 n m : lt n m → lt n (4 + m) :=
fun h ⇒ lt_S _ _ (lt_S _ _ (lt_S _ _ (lt_S _ _ h))).
Now we make lt_S easier to use by making n, m implicit
Arguments lt_S {n m}.
Definition lt_plus_4' n m : lt n m → lt n (4 + m) :=
fun h ⇒ lt_S (lt_S (lt_S (lt_S h))).
Definition lt_plus_4' n m : lt n m → lt n (4 + m) :=
fun h ⇒ lt_S (lt_S (lt_S (lt_S h))).
Impredicative encodings
Notice the similarity with False_ind
For conjunction, it's the same idea.
Now apply plays the role of destruct for such a proof.
Lemma iAnd_and :
∀ A B,
iAnd A B →
A ∧ B.
intros A B h.
apply h. intros hA hB. (* With A ∧ B it would be destruct h as [hA hB] *)
split. all: assumption.
Now for ∃ x, P x
Check ex_ind.
Definition iEx A (P : A → Prop) :=
∀ (Q : Prop),
(∀ x, P x → Q) →
Lemma iEx_ex :
∀ A P,
iEx A P →
∃ x, P x.
intros A P h.
apply h. intros x hx.
∃ x. assumption.
Write down the induction principle for even.
Inductive or (A B : Prop) : Prop :=
| or_introl : A → A ∨ B
| or_intror : B → A ∨ B.
Where "A ∨ B" := (or A B).
What is a proof term of the following type?
What is the goal after the following script?
Lemma true_false :
true ≠ false.
intro e.
change (if true then False else True).
rewrite e.
(* Here *)
Inductive le (n : nat) : nat → Prop :=
| le_n : n ≤ n
| le_S : ∀ m, n ≤ m → n ≤ S m.
What is the goal after the following script?